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Windy City Plates is a small enterprise composed of 10 individuals with developmental disabilities attending UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago’s Downtown location for vocational services. In October 2014, we decided to use the skills were have acquired to open a business with the goal of increasing our independence. Our mission is to introduce ourselves to the local and global community, not as adults with disabilities, but as creative individuals who take pride in what we do.


Windy City Plates designs and paints ceramic plates for a unique, artistic, Chicago inspired product. As Chicagoland natives, we pull from our knowledge of this great town to vote of what designs we want to develop. After extensive practice, we’re ready to focus on the real deal. As a group, we have been working towards expanding into more products to reach a greater audience.


In the future, we are looking to open a storefront and create partnerships with other local businesses. Windy City Plates hopes to provides independence and steady wages to ourselves and other individuals with disabilities. With lots of hard work, we hope Windy City Plates can expand in the country and globally.We at Windy City Plates hope to deliver fine art and qulity products to our customers. We are working towards a brighter future for all adults with disabilities.


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