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Our Staff

Estrada, Laura

Filipski, Anna

Gregg, Candace

Gurrero, Miriam

Plair, Alex

Randolph, Tony

Sanders, Angel

Simpson, T. Michael

Thomas, David

Executive Team

Name: Anthony

Role within Company:  CEO/ President

What is you favorite place in Chicago: Downtown beach

How long have you lived in Chicagoland: 48 Years.

Hobbies: I like to listen to CB radios, watchT.V. and go out.

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: I like to help and work with people.  I like to be the boss.

Name: Laura

Role within Company: COO/Head of Design

What’s your favorite place in Chicago: Lakefront

How long have you lived in Chicagoland: 46

Hobbies: Walking by the lake, sightseeing and taking

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: I am looking forward doing new things and making people happy


Name:  Alex

Role within Company CFO

What’s your favorite place in Chicago: Navy Pier

How long have you lived in Chicagoland: 30 yrs

Hobbies: Working on computer, going out to dinner, having fun with my friends.

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates:  Enjoy working on art, and working on the computer.

Staff Profiles

Name: Angel

Role within Company: Staff Artist

What’s your favorite place in Chicago:  Water Tower

How long have you lived In Chicagoland: 30 Years

Hobbies:  Watching T.V., drawing, and memory games.

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates:  I wanted to join Windy City Plates so I can improve my social skills.

Name: David

Role within Company: Staff Artist

What’s your favorite place in Chicago: Bulls Game

How long have you lived in Chicagoland: 36 Years

Hobbies: Bowling, Fishing and Dancing

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: I love to paint and choosing the colors to see them come alive.  Why not get paid for something I love to do?

Name: Anna 
Role within Company: Book Keepe/Office Manager 
What’s your favorite place in Chicago: Navy Pier 
How long have you lived in Chicagoland: 57 Years 
Hobbies: Play on the Computer, talking on phone, watching movies.  
Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: I enjoy painting and working toward independence.

Name: Michael

Role within Company: Website Manager/Social Media Director

What’s your favorite place in Chicago: The H.I.P. Mall

How long have you lived in Chicagoland:  My whole life

Hobbies: I have fun surfing the web and come up with different ceramic designs.

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: I feel satisfied about being a part of the ceramic business, but also I want to be a graphic artist and to have the chance to share my ideas with people around the world.

Name: Candy

Role within Company: Graphic Design Manager

What’s your favorite place in Chicago:   US Cellular Field

How long have you lived in Chicagoland:  All my life

Hobbies: Bocce, eating, getting on facebook      

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: I  like feeling independent and being a artist      

Name: Miriam

Role within Company: Hand Painting Specialist

What’s your favorite place in Chicago: Dunkin' Donuts

How long have you lived in Chicagoland: 31 years since birth

Hobbies: Shopping, going out to dinner and painting

Why did you want to join Windy City Plates: My dream is to have my own business and love to paint.

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