In Memoriam

You were a true and loving friend. Your friends will remember your kind heart and fun loving spirit. Through thick and thin and over countless years, you have made the lives of your friends brighter. Alex remembers vacations and camp trips full of laughter. Laura and Candy remember your skill with Bocce. Michael remembers your hard work and love of sports. Everyone remembers your love of your wife. If your affection for your friends was strong, then your love of your wife was even stronger. Your dedication to Ella is an immutable fact. Now dear Andrew, we know that your are sitting in heaven with Ernie Banks and Harry Carrey singing " Take me out of the Ball Game," so in your own immortal words, said often and loudly from your Dynavox, "Go Cubbies." You will be truly missed by us all.

Windy City Plates and more importantly your friends